Base for app structures

Hierarchy (view full)



apt: AppApt
autoDeployGit: string

If your app has auto deploy on github enabled

autoRestart: boolean

If your app has auto-restart enabled

avatarURL: string

Your app's avatar url

constructor: Constructor<App>
discloudApp: DiscloudApp
exitCode: number

Your app's exit code on stopping

id: string

Your app id

lang: string

Your app programming language

mainFile: string

The main file of your application

mods: Set<string> = ...

Moderators IDs of your app

name: string

The name of your application

online: boolean

If your app is online

ram: number

The ram quantity for your application

ramKilled: boolean

If your application was stopped due to lack of RAM

status: AppStatus
team: AppTeam
