Interface InternalRequestInternal

Internal request options

interface InternalRequest {
    body?: unknown;
    file?: File | RawFile;
    fullRoute: `/${string}`;
    headers?: Record<string, string>;
    method: RequestMethod;
        | string
        | URLSearchParams
        | Record<string, string | readonly string[]>
        | Iterable<[string, string]>
        | readonly [string, string][];

Hierarchy (view full)


body?: unknown

The body to send to this request.

file?: File | RawFile

File to be attached to this request

fullRoute: `/${string}`
headers?: Record<string, string>

Additional headers to add to this request

    | string
    | URLSearchParams
    | Record<string, string | readonly string[]>
    | Iterable<[string, string]>
    | readonly [string, string][]

Query string parameters to append to the called endpoint